
New Jack City Politics

Like the only female gangster in the gang said to the landlord......”step aside gran pa!”

That’s exactly what McCain needs to do...step aside. Speaking after his victory in Wisconsin, McCain talked of reclaiming the “moral credibility” for this nation. Reclaim it from who? The one who trashed our nation’s moral credibility in the first place is a member of the GOP, still currently housed in the White House.

And what moral credibility is he reclaiming? The credibility stolen in the election of 2000? Or the credibility lost in the secret concentration camps that we operate around the world or down in Cuba, named Gitmo? Maybe he was talking about the credibility washed away during the secret water torture sessions, that thumbed our nose at the geneva convention. Or better yet, maybe he was alluding to FISA and its illegal wiretaps.

Nah, he must have been talking about the suspension of habeas corpus or the groundwork laid down secretly last year for the implementation of martial law, if we the citizens of America decide to protest too loudly. Yeah, that’s the ticket. He wants to restore our civil liberties to pre Dubya days.

I mean, give me a break, you can’t change a system that you obviously don’t believe is broken. Over and over the American people seem to be saying that the system needs to be changed, but McCain apparently doesn’t have his hearing aid turned on. He still campaigning like it’s 1999. McCain is coming across like Dubya lite or Bush junior, take your pick.

He spent 15 minutes talking about the alleged war on terror and 5 minutes talking about everything else, meaning health care, oil prices and the economy.

I hate quoting Bill Clinton, but Bill did say “it’s the economy, stupid!” It really is. It’s not rocket science. Trickle down economics has not worked in the past eight years. It’s not going to work if given another four. This nation needs help. It needs vision and creativity coming from the top spot. The White House needs to re-assume it place as a position of power, rather than Yale frat house west.

McCain was right about one thing...He is the old guy in the race. He’s been on Capitol Hill a long time...way too long. There comes a time when you have to look forward at what can be, instead of backward at what was. McCain’s moment is over.

“Bang, bang, baby.....step aside gran pa..!”


  1. Love the way you put it - but you're right - he does need to step aside.

  2. lol, maybe McCain is reclaiming that GOP morality where they all claim to be heterosexual and turn out to be child molesters and child pornography traffickers instead.

    And then they say they're not gay but they eventually blame their perversion on being "gay". As if being "gay" were somehow equal to "child molesting sociopath" which it most definitely is not. They really make me sick.

    It's so common the media doesn't even register GOP sex scandals anymore but there was yet another one this past week.
