
It's Time

If given the chance I will vote for Barack Obama because....

I am not happy with the status quo, compassionate conservatism is a myth and an oxymoron...

I don't believe in trickle down economics or that Ronnie Raygun was our best president..

I was totally against going into Iraq, I am totally against staying there any longer than we have to as a military presence...so John McCain's continued warmongering takes him off the table for me, as well as his own admission that he doesn't understand the economy. ..I would venture to guess that diplomacy escapes him as well...

Hillary, has some great ideas and is a wonderful asset...I just don't feel or see her vision...I want to be excited about America again

Mitt Romney is not likeable...He says what he thinks we want to hear, that smacks of dishonesty...He practices a religion that didn't recognize me or my ancestors as human and he campaigns like we don't exist, now....

Mike Huckabee is a homophobe, despite his guitar playing and religious credentials..He wants to change the constitution to reflect God's word...which god..which bible...

Ron Paul is a racist..despite what he says, his name is the one on the banner of his newsletters...just like my name is on the top of this blog....I can't deny these words...neither can he deny his content.....

I believe we need massive change in Washington, within our government...

I believe we need term limits...line item veto, and a ban on lobbyists and special interest groups as anything other than silent spectators on Capitol Hill..I think we need public funds financing our political campaigns..

I believe that Barack Obama represents the revolution that we need..
I feel the hope....I see the vision....

No, he does not have all the answers....no one person does..But I see in him the creative capacity to make things work...better than they've been working for the past several years...

I see in him the statesman, the dreamer, the guy who can take lemons and make lemonade and be comfortable enough to drink it spiked with a little vodka.....

Barack also reminds me of someone else....Her name was Barbara Jordan...She, too lives in Barack...I hear her when he speaks...And that means more to me than even the endorsement of Caroline Kennedy...

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