
Do You Believe in Miracles?!

Last night I sat through a history making debate for the democratic nomination for president of the United States. Today I wake up to a statement from, well..I’ll be nice and just use her name....Ann Coulter.

During a chat on FOX news, last night, the GOP’s Paris Hilton, said she would vote for Hillary for president if the choice came down to Hillary versus John McCain in the general election come November.

I will believe it when I see it. Coulter claimed to be serious, stating that Hillary is more conservative than McCain.

Hmmmmmmmmm...I thought maybe she was trying to close ranks with other females and convince us she really is one us...instead of an anorexic fembot....Time will tell.

Considering the stuff that comes out of her mouth it’s going to take more than a vote for a democrat to change my mind about her. She still comes up third on my list of those I consider “walking wastes of oxygen” behind Rush and Bill _______, insert your own preferred last name. I can think of several stupid people named Bill, these days....

But back to the debate....

Like many watching, I was seeing my dream ticket in action.

Obama/Hillary...Hillary/Obama...I don’t think it’s gonna happen... Way too much ego in play and it gives the GOP too much to unify against....A black man and white woman...I can see the head hunting party forming now...All those good ole boys and their women standing behind them urging them on...screaming for blood....

Who ever makes it to the nomination and White House is making history. So, too, should the cabinet selected by the new prez.

I’ve been pondering who I would like to see serve at the pleasure of the president......

Secretary of State........Madeleine Albright or someone she’s mentored
Secretary of Defense........Colin Powell
Secretary of EPA.........Al Gore
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development....John Edwards
Secretary of Education.......Johnnetta Cole
Secretary of Treasury..........Mitt Romney
Secretary of Commerce...........Roxanne Qualls
Secretary of Health & Human Services...Bill Richardson
Secretary of Labor..............Eleanor Holmes Norton
Secretary of Veteran Affairs.......John McCain or some other vet who’s been there..
Secretary of Energy....Dennis Kucinich
Secretary of Transportation.....an engineer with vision and imagination

Secretary of Homeland Security..........abolish this position revamp, strengthen and streamline the departments under this division

Attorney General.........Ruth Bader Ginsberg
National Security Advisor.....Dubya’s Dad.....George Herbert Walker Bush
Ambassador to the United Nations....Bill Clinton
Special Envoy to the World..........Jimmy Carter...Americans may not like him, but the world does...and if ever we needed a return to goodwill...it’s now....


  1. I'm absolutely loving your list. But, do you think Bush's dad will come back?

  2. No, I don't think so...but someone with his vision is what we need....

    I guess, what I'm missing are the statesmen in politics...we don't have any...

    like...Kissinger or Nixon for example...

  3. lol : )

    I will never forgive you for making me say the following words:

    I agree with Ann Coulter.

    Hillary is more conservative than McCain. Her stance on the war is far more harsh than his and she continues to try to hide her record of supporting the war. At least McCain is sticking to the GOP part line of the war being "mishandled" rather than completely unnecessary to begin with.

    But where McCain, due to his own experiences, has fought against the torture of detainees and at least seems to understand where Bush has broken with the constitution, Hillary is simply waiting her turn to use the powers that Bush has stolen for the executive office.

    The difference between Hillary and McCain is not so much their ideology but the people they represent. Eventually McCain will have to bow down and serve the GOP whereas the Democratic party is based a little less on loyalty and more on slugging things out and whoever has the least blood on their hands in the end, wins.

    Hillary is not Bill. Hillary is not even Hillary when she was with Bill. Hillary is more like Cheney than anyone else and I'd really like to see and Obama/ Edwards or Obama/ Gravel ticket leaving Hillary in the dust for once and for all.
