
I’ve Just Got to Ask..........

Now that the caucus vote is here.......

If women make up 51% of the American population and women plus minorities make up 64% of the populace.....

1....Then why is either Hillary or Obama not considered a slam dunk to take the White House in November?

2....Then why is a guy who looks and responds like a cross between Max Headroom and a stepford wife considered a viable candidate for president....

3...Then why is the guy who makes the most sense and is probably best suited to be president not taken seriously....not even by himself....

4....Then why is the electorate still paying attention to guys who look and feel like the status quo, who prefer to hide in the uneven shadow of a dead president rather than be their own man, with new ideas to fit the times....

5.....Then why are we still debating who voted to go to war rather than who has the best plan to get us out of the mess, and then to fix our broken foreign policy.....

6.....Then why didn’t Rudy lose all credibility after Prophet Pat endorsed him for president...How many skeletons have to fall out of this guy’s closet before folks realize he is a reincarnation of Richard “I am not a crook” Nixon and kick him to the curb...

7....Then why is any candidate who does not view women as equal, given more than a snow ball’s chance in hell of winning a caucus let alone the nomination and election...

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