
Another Uppity Black Man?! HA!

When pigs fly! That’s what we say in Cincinnati when bullshit floats to the surface...When pigs fly...
Clarence Thomas...Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas calls himself an “uppity black man.” If he is uppity, then I need to change my name to Angela or Harriet or Sojourner. If he’s uppity, I need to buy a gun to protect myself from coming lynch parties that routinely materialize when “uppity blacks” speak their minds.

Uppity? Clarence Thomas wouldn’t know “Uppity” if it bit him in the ass...excuse my disrespect, please. I try to give respect to all human beings, but only if you earn it...and don’t twist your mouth around to say stupid shit like that....The term “uppity” has to be earned...you can’t self proclaim that, fool!

Let me give you some examples of “uppity” black folks.......Muhammed Ali, he refused to be drafted to go to Vietnam and got stripped of his heavyweight title.

Mike Tyson is an uppity black man...does anything and everything he wants, good or bad..he is also very very crazy...

Barack Obama is an uppity black man...he dares to run for the White House.....You want conservative black uppityness...try Alan Keyes...another crazy MF...but definitely uppity..

Justice Thurgood Marshall was an uppity black man...Bill Cosby is uppity...

RuPaul is uppity and very very fashionable!

Hell, even P Diddy or whatever the hell he calls himself these days is uppity...How about Ice T, Ice Cube, Wesley Snipes, and lord don’t let us forget Danny Glover..

Uppity? How about Whoopie Goldberg on the distaff side? How about Angela Bassett..

How about any black person who dares to speak out against the system called America and pays a price....Can you say Eartha Kitt?

Malcolm, Martin, Eldridge....I’m just sticking with the uppity names you know..there are countless others who have gone so far as to have given their lives in anonymity because they were “uppity.”

I’ve read Thomas’ book...I’ve read the books about Thomas...I’ve watched Thomas from jump...all the way from his nomination by Daddy Bush...through Anita Hill...and all his years to date, on the Supreme Court....

Uppity? No!

How about ego driven, under achiever with a huge chip on his shoulder, who is very obviously mad at the world.

As we say in the ghetto...”A brother’s got some issues that need working out..”:

Try love and honesty with self first, Mr. Thomas...then maybe all that uppityness will one day really shine through....

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