
Yep, Nothing’s Changed

The Justice Department quietly released a report, Sunday, confirming once again what we minorities already know about law enforcement in this country. Echoing a 2002 report, the Just-us department determined that police are more likely to search, arrest or to use force against minority drivers than against whites.

The popular term for this today is “driving while black” or DWB, you’ve heard the term already, I’m sure. Supporters of the study were quick to point out that other things like “driver temperament” or behavior toward police were not taken into consideration. So, what are they saying....blacks and Hispanics are not polite enough or docile enough when approached by cops?

While recognizing the problem, Just-us doesn’t offer any solutions.

At least this time they issued a press release....back in 2002, they dropped it like it was hot and let it lay there until somebody noticed.


Karma smackdown

The ruling party in DC gets another karma smackdown when a DC madam goes to court today to answer prostitution charges. Seems some of the names in her little black book are also listed on the employee log at the White House. At least one guy has already resigned. Another guy is said to be the one who came up with the term “shock and awe” for the invasion of Iraq.

Looks like the GOP moral compass is broken again.



Did you know that when Dubya vetoes the Iraq spending bill, he will also veto the minimum wage hike? The wage hike is a part of that funding bill.


Update on American Casualties

3350 since the “war” began
3211 since “mission accomplished”
24,912 official wounded
100,000 estimated actually wounded

No numbers on Iraqi civilians

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