
Preaching to the Choir

I have a problem with the Democratic candidates for president refusing to take part in debates sponsored by Fox News and The Congressional Black Caucus Institute.

Yes, we know that Fox is the ministry of information for the neocons, but the neocons still have a large audience that needs to be educated and informed. Wouldn’t it be more practical to take the platform offered and try to win over some folks, rather than simply give up on them? Isn’t that just playing into Fox Noise’s hands, allowing them to level claims of liberal bias?

Playing to liberal or independent audiences is simply preaching to the choir. It’s what Shrub’s been doing for the past six years. He never holds a news conference or a photo op that is not filled with his sycophantic followers. He never allows dissension of any kind. Are we, as a people in for the same kind of thing, if we elect a democrat to the White House?

What has happened to debate in this country? Debates are for looking at all sides of the issues. Good debates teach and inform. A good debate may not ultimately change your mind, but it will have given you something to think about. I don’t give a damn about who sponsors a debate. I only care about what I hear from the candidates.

Shrub has trampled the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He has shown his fear of free speech, free thought, free debate and expression.

By refusing to take part in what could be a hostile debate, Democrats are showing their true strips...that they are just as chicken sh** and ignorant of what makes us Americans as Dubya and the Neocons.

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