
Equal Pay for Equal Work

Well, it’s about time. The Brits have finally decided to award equal prize money to men and women at Wimbledon this year.

The old boys of All England Tennis have refused for years to give women their just due, saying that men deserved more prize money because they play five sets while the women play just three.

All grand slams are now on the same page, sort of.....The French always seeing things differently only give the male and female champions an equal check. Other women from second place down will still get less than their male counterparts.

Now it’s time to work on Golf. While Tiger Woods is making millions per tournament, the women of the LPGA are left to split maybe a one million dollar kitty. That means the winning check is usually just a couple of hundred thousand dollars instead of multi millions.

And lest we forget the WNBA. Those women must still play overseas in order to supplement what they make in the American league. All this while the men pocket millions, destroy the game and, other than the all star game, don’t offer any real entertainment.


Question: Why is Congress taking so long to pull the plug on Dubya’s war? Nonbinding resolutions aren’t worth the paper on which they’re written. Why bother?


Question #2: What is Condi doing in the Palestine? Does she really understand what is going on there?

I usually don’t say stuff about a sister, but man, this child needs some help, fast. “Wake up girlfriend.” This administration is sinking and it’s taking you and your once pristine reputation with it.


Feeding Frenzy

Good news...James Brown is finally going to be buried.
Bad news...the Anna Nicole reality show goes on. Please bury this woman before she melts on the coroner’s autopsy slab.....Please...take that baby away from Howard Stern....and Please...send her mother home without the body..

Finally...somebody please reprimand this Judge in Florida...talk about an a**hole.

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