
By His Own Words

Dubya, in the big apple today, talking economy. He says we’re doing well as a country. Stronger than it’s ever been, and you can thank him and his administration for it.

Talking with business leaders on Wall Street today, Bush said the salaries of CEOs should be linked to performance. He told the leaders that Americans are sickened and resentful of the massive compensation that CEOs have been pulling in for the past several years without demonstrating that they deserve all that money.

Okay, let’s take fearless leader’s words and apply them to him. Does he deserve his paycheck based on his performance of the past six years?

We already know how he’s screwed up both foreign and domestic policy, the court system, and health care. What about this strong robust economy that he is bragging about.

Since Dubya took office, the federal deficit has sunk into the trillions of dollars from the surplus that Clinton presided over.

Since Dubya took office, one in five manufacturing jobs has disappeared...that’s 2.96 million jobs lost.

Since Dubya took office, the trade deficit is expected to hit a record mark for the fifth consecutive time when it is announced next month.

Since Dubya took office, gas prices have climbed through the roof, despite falling prices per barrel of oil.

Since Dubya took office, household incomes have stagnated, while the richest 1-percent have gotten richer.

Since Dubya took office, the number of the people living in poverty has increased dramatically.

Since Dubya took office, interest rates, while stable for the past couple of months, have risen to uncomfortable levels.

So, should he continue to get his paycheck based on his performance in the White House?
Hell No!

ITMFA, please!

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