
Wednesday Wanderings....

About Madonna’s adoption....Are African orphans the new pet rock for celebrities? My second thought on the issue is the kids are getting a break in a hard life, shouldn’t we let them be? For once Madonna isn’t the trend setter on this one....others have done it before.


About Nikki Giovanni....The vitriol hurled back at her is worse than what she said. She spoke her mind. Cincinnati never wants to hear about its problems, past, present and apparently future. So when is a good time to address the issues that plague those of us not in the majority? Why do we have to continually keep our place rather than speak out on injustice and inequality?

3CDC...does the KKK have a permit for fountain square this Christmas? Just asking

The once great Queen City needs to understand that until you clean up a mess, you will continue to step in it.


About Ken Blackwell....By his own words does he reveal himself. His power grab was totally exposed yesterday in his debate with Ted Strickland.

He is not honest, he has no integrity, he is not moral by any stretch of the imagination. Were he running against the late Bill Wilkinson, I would not vote for him.


Wesley, Wesley, Wesley....you can run but you can’t hide.

C’mon Blade, you know the IRS is the original and only modern day vampire, and he’s looking for you.


Another rapper shot, playing gangsters and guns, do we care?


Another GOP Congressman outed for liking boys, again do we care? He also had a habit of voting against his own self interest.

Kind of like me going against my blackness. I call that having a Clarence Thomas moment.


Food Thought for today......eating fish is good for you, it fights heart disease, but the pollutants in fish may give you cancer. What a choice. Protect your heart but die from cancer.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm...there has got to be a middle ground.


North Korea's Dear Leader says the UN sanctions are an act of war and he has the right to retaliate.

See, this is what happens when we rely on bullets instead of talks to settle disputes. America is reaping the consequences of the fool hardy action that took us into Iraq.

By the way...are we admitting that now its devolved into civil war, yet? Or are we still caught up in semantics?

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