
Meandering through the News......

More messages from Mark Foley to unnamed pages, going back six years.....Foleygate rolls on.....

According to Pat Buchanan it’s a gay mafia conspiracy....the GOP leadership was kept in the dark about Foley’s proclivities by their closeted gay assistants, some of whom have already resigned as well.....

The numbers say the GOP is finished....well I wouldn’t bet the house on it just yet...Democrats still haven’t figured out what their message is or should be....

John Kerry running for President in 2008....big mistake for Democrats...

Kim Jong II fires off a nuke test.....Clinton had this fool at the negotiating table when Bush took over the White House....Bush decided to throw out the baby with the bath water....made Colin Powell trash the negotiations.....Now what are we going to do?

We’re nine days into October and already 33 troops have died in Iraq.

Yet, the Army announced that it has met its recruitment quota this year....the quota was 80,000 new troops....the Army lowered its mental standards in order to make the grade.....in other words....It’s okay to be stupid in the Army....But it’s not okay to be gay...go figure...

Hear about the Iraqi police officers who were poisoned this past weekend....700 police recruits suffered severe food poisoning...officials aren’t sure yet if it was on purpose or not....a few people including the head of food prep have been arrested..

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