
Unacceptable, Naive and Confused

We’re not allowed to think about it...and when we do we’re naive and confused...

News reports are wrong and biased...

Military leaders are speaking out of turn...

Military and Intelligence experts have no idea what’s going on...

All this from America’s fratboy president. The whole world is wrong, he, and his cronies, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Rice are right about Iraq and the alleged war on terror, as well as how to get information out of terrorist suspects.

We used to joke, when I was in the news business by saying, “never let the facts get in the way of a good story.” We understood this to be a joke among colleagues and nothing more.

The Bush light White House has taken this joke to heart. Even when the facts are against them, they press on. They are stuck on going forward into the abyss despite the warning signs.

The scary part of this scenario is that they expect the American people to blindly follow them over the cliff. What scares me even more is that many, many people are indeed going to follow them, no matter what.

I really don’t understand how people can continually vote against their own well being because some rich guy tells them to.

Think about it.....

The future is screwed. We are in debt up to our eyeballs, China and other foreign countries are literally buying up American real estate...they even own some of our roads and highways....our workforce is non existent, outsourced to some third world country.....our technology is coming from India and Japan...we’re stuck in a war in the middle east because of failed foreign policy...and we have lost face with the rest of the universe.

41 days, until the next election....will the people change things or will it be more of the same....

I’m not gonna hold my breath, but I am going to vote my conscience.

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