
Pondering Labor Day

Did you know that the average weekly salary in 1972 was $300.74? Did you know that translates into $277.00 in 21st century dollars?

Like you needed to be told that we are living on less money these days.

We are also taking fewer and shorter vacations while working about 20 hours more on the week.

I don’t get it. Why do we put up with this?

Today marks the official opening of campaign season....I can’t wait...I’m already so sick of campaign ads that I could just spit.

Republicans are claiming to be independents....willing to accept GOP money but not admit they supported Bush and his backward policies....now who’s in the closet..

And Democrats...want my vote...but don’t have the balls to ask for it...They figure I’m going to support them because I don’t have any choice.

They’re right, this time around.

We need a new party, new thought, new policies, new way of doing things...

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