
Monday Musings.......

Check out Senator Mike DeWine’s campaign ad...It’s him talking lovingly to the camera about all he’s done for us Ohioans as a concerned elected official. But pay attention to the banner across the screen....Where normally it would scream “REPUBLICAN” it says “INDEPENDENT”
The whole phrase is “independent fighter for Ohio families”..Talk about distance...

Is he running scared from Dubya or What? Talk about hypocritical, trying to make us think he’s an independent...he voted with Bush 90% of the time...

Time to call him home...

New report out says wages and salaries aren’t keeping up with inflation. In fact our paychecks are at their lowest level compared to inflation since the government began collecting data in 1947. That same report says that profitability for corporations as well as the salaries of corporate big wigs is at an all time high.

The fat cats get richer...we get poorer...why am I not surprised....


All the news is tied up with “Katrina” one year later....another hurricane bearing down and still no escape plan in place....

And Nagin has apparently offended the PC police again. Seems he talked disparagingly about NY’s “hole in the ground”......instead of using the term Ground Zero, I guess....Until they put something there, it is a hole in the ground. We should’ve rebuilt the towers a long time ago...just my own personal opinion..


Nike drops Gatlin from it’s star roster, this after the speedster was banned from competition for eight years because of doping....

Is Nike still using Marion Jones?

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