
Minions Marching

Cincinnati’s Black Family Reunion happens this weekend. It was kicked off by a parade through the city’s west end. It was very well attended. I was there to shoot up the ends of some rolls of film and to people watch, which is one of my favorite past times.

Kids carried the day. Drill teams and bands interspersed with politicians running for office. I guess I should say the minions of the politicians, all decked out in “vote for whomever” tee shirts. The actual politicians, with few exceptions weren’t there. In Cincinnati, they march until they’re elected, then they send someone else to burn up shoe leather.

David Pepper was there and John Cranley was too. But then they must like marching because they always show up no matter what. They even march in the Gay Pride Parade. That’s why I vote for them. They go after everyone’s vote.

Mr. Eric Kearney was there too. He’s another one I support. Owns the local black newspaper in town.

There were some anomalies like Steve Chabot and Ken Blackwell. No they didn’t appear personally. But they had supporters. Chabot had two little white boys on top of his float complete with PA system, doing an a capella rendition of the battle hymn of the republic. It was kind of a twilight zone moment. Everyone was nice to the little boys, but it just goes to prove that Chabot is simply not in touch with reality.

Blackwell had a big contingent of deluded Negroes passing out his literature. At least, unlike Chabot, he knew what parade was taking place. But I saw one thing happening with Blackwell...very few people took his literature or handouts. Many politely refused to take it or to make eye contact with the marching minions.

I can only hope that the controlled animosity that I saw beamed toward Chabot and Blackwell in particular plays out in November and we get rid of these fools.

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