
Random Thoughts on a Bloody Sunday.....

While Dubya's in Crawford...

Iraq pushed from the headlines by the killing in Lebanon. Condi cancels her visit to Beirut after Israel bombs a house in Qana full of women and children. 50 dead and counting.

Israel apologizes...women and children still dead...no resurrection...

Condi flies back to US with her tail tucked between her legs....no cease-fire...no resolution to the conflict...

Lebanese citizens riot, storming and trashing a UN building....

Dubya on vacation...Rumsfeld disappears...Cheney still invisible.... Ashcroft still retired...Gonzales still sucking up to the White House...Congress suffering massive erectile dysfunction....GOP at Sunday services celebrating their Christianity....Democrats mute as always...

When did Jesus join the GOP...

Bush promises Iraq more troops to contain the civil war ravaging Baghdad. Troops scheduled to come home.....can't...their stay extended by executive order....again...

How can people who profess to be pro life justify their support of the war in Iraq, Lebanon and Gaza? Or be against stem cell research?

Democracy came to Palestine and we got Hamas....Israel is attempting to root out Hezbollah and gets chaos....America tries to force democracy on Iraq and gets civil war..

An American general admits to the press he has never been trained in 33 years in the military, how to fight insurgents......

We were beaten in Vietnam and chased out of Somalia using the same tactics.....did no one pay attention? Black Hawk down was not just a movie or was it?

Isn't this really a war between America and Iran.........America hiding behind Israel....Iran hiding behind Hezbollah......

The Last Poets were wrong....When the revolution comes we will watch it on TV thanks to CNN, MSNBC and FOX

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